Welcome to F*ck Oatly! A site devoted to helping our fans—and the thousands of people who hate us—better understand everything that’s “wrong” with our company.
Why would we build such a website? That’s a great question! For starters, it’s super convenient to have the latest boycotts and criticisms all in one place. But more importantly, we’re not the type of company to hide from moments like these. We see all the negative headlines, posts and petitions as an inevitable consequence of trying to create positive societal change.
So for the fun and uplifting benefits of our products, please continue to visit Oatly.com (they give us cookies when the web traffic spikes!). But to understand the full story of Oatly’s mission to shift people away from dairy, and towards a life that’s less taxing on the planet, also browse this profanity-laced website we finally got approval to launch.
The Spanish milk lobby are the latest to join the let’s-sue-Oatly-for-saying-that-thing-that-no-one-should-repeat-ever-again trend.
The National Dairy Council of Ireland gets us banned from saying one of our all-time favourite things to say.
The internet grows outraged over Oatly’s lawsuit against Glebe Farm, makers of PureOaty
In 2018, we were taught a really valuable lesson from our most active vegan critics: Don’t sell your oat residue to pig farms.
A look back at when thousands of people from across the world joined hands in a global boycott of Oatly (simply for adding a new investor)
It only took us 40 seconds (or less) to get accused of ageism, insensitivity to alcoholism and being anti-farmer. Record time!
Enjoy a list of our longest standing controversies from way back when…because even though PR says “it’ll blow over”, the best ones never do!
We’re not exactly sure what an “algorithm” is, but it seems to really like misinformation about Oatly ingredients.
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