Don’t wait for the algorithm to serve you viral TikToks and Twitter Threads about Oatly’s “toxic” ingredients… We’ve got the full list right here!
Sometimes in the dead of night, a Swedish community manager from Oatly will wake up in a cold sweat, muttering phrases like, “Non-GMO, expeller-pressed rapeseed oil” or “it’ s maltose from our enzymatic production process.”
The community manager’s partner will hug the troubled soul and say something like, “Honey! It’s okay! It was just a dream.” To which the community manager will reply, “But was it?”
This sad exchange comes about because the internet is full of “amateur nutritionists”--aka people who make catchy TikTok videos and Twitter threads slamming Oatly’s ingredients. If you’ve had the pleasure of seeing this content, you’ve likely seen someone mention Oatly’s use of rapeseed oil, sugar, cocoa, or even water.
We thought about having our very smart--and very nerdy--food scientists answer all this hate with TikToks of their own. However, each video they made lasted 2-hours and included really big words like beta-glucans (which the algorithm does not appreciate). So instead, they helped us craft highly informative answers on, explaining how each ingredient is carefully analyzed for its nutritional value, taste and sustainability, and how a random influencer’s take on seed oil is usually not the most accurate.
But if you’re not in the mood for boring information from highly-educated Oatly nerds, scroll down for the much-more-entertaining Tweets and TikToks keeping our community managers busy. And of course, if you’d like to add to the list, simply read the side of our packaging, pick an ingredient, and post a random claim of your own!
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